Current Local Real Estate Trends
Plano Texas 75025

Jack Carter Pool Park Plano TX 75023

Memorial Park City of Plano TX 75023
The information and charts below are from NTREIS Trends (North Texas Real Estate Information Systems). The charts are interactive and are updated daily. The data and charts provided are for informational purposes only. This is the most current local Plano Texas 75025 Housing Market trends.
Parameters for Charts are as follows:
Sales Price
As Per NTREIS - "Calculations are based on sold data. Prices do not account for seller concessions. Median represents the point at which half of the homes that sold in a given month were priced higher and half were priced lower. Average is the mean sales price for all closed sales in a given month.*"
Original List Price
As Per NTREIS - "Median or average of the first price of a home listing."
Price Per Sq Ft
As Per NTREIS - "Calculations are based on sold data. Prices do not account for seller concessions. Median represents the point at which half of the homes that sold in a given month were priced higher and half were priced lower, divided by the number of finished square feet. Average is the mean sales price for homes sold in a given month divided by the number of finished square feet.*"
Days On Market
As Per NTREIS - "Median or average number of days between when a property is listed and when an offer is accepted in a given month. Calculations are based on sold data.*"
Percent Of Original Price
Months Supply
As Per NTREIS - "Active inventory vs. the last 12 months of homes deemed Under Contract. Also known as absorption rate." Information on this page covers the Plano Texas Housing Market trends
Homes For Sale
As Per NTREIS - "The number of properties available for sale in active status at the end of a given month. Also known as inventory. For this metric, the "12/6/3 months" calculation is the average of the most recent 12/6/3 months of data."
New Listings
As Per NTREIS - "A count of the properties that have been newly listed on the market in a given month."
Pending Sales
As Per NTREIS - "A count of the properties on which contracts have been accepted in a given month."
Closed Sales
- As Per NTREIS - "A count of the actual sales that have closed in a given month. Calculations are based on sold data."
As Per NTREIS - "* Sales with a Days on Market of less than 0, or a Percent of Original Price that is less than 50 percent or more than 200 percent, are added to the sales count but are not factored into price, price per square foot or days on market."